WNGO – Operation PYTHON

Situation – Despite being cut off from reinforcement, elements of the 39bn have caused significant damage to regional PAVN efforts and have regained radio contact with AUS CMD. The encircled element has been tasked with destroying AA equipment preventing extraction efforts while friendly elements fight to reinforce 2-1A and prepare an LZ to exfil survivors.

Likely tasks – AA destruction, combat patrol(s), LZ defense.


Situation – Having evaded a major PAVN assault, surviving 39bn forces are to consolidate supplies and re-establish communications.

Likely Tasks – Move west to re-establish radio communications with HQ, and await instruction.


Situation – The 39bn has been made aware that PAVN forces are redeploying heavy assault equipment from a fortification recently shelled by US naval assets. AUS CMD believes any recovered equipment will be used to support a large scale assault on our FSB.

Likely tasks – Patrol river crossings to prevent movement of PAVN equipment.


B coy, 1 pl

Situation – June 1969. The ADF has been tasked with assisting US forces operating is South-Western Vietnam. 48-hours ago, concentrated PAVN attacks forced Australian troops from their primary FSB, without access to fire support allied efforts are waning under the strain of renewed PAVN offensives. The FBS must be retaken at all costs.

Likely tasks – Retake FBS from, and prepare defenses against any PAVN counterattack


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Situation – With the initial successes enjoyed by the Redback teams, it is anticipated that the Red Legion will send forces to assault the Forward Operating Base, in an effort to disrupt 39 BN efforts in the theatre. 2-1 are currently stationed at the FOB.

Likely tasks – Prepare defensive equipment around the FOB, and repel any assault forces from the FOB.


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Situation – Reports indicate that the Red Legion are coercing locals to give up crucial supplies like fuel and food to them. Increased vehicle traffic South, across the river from Phoumi Moattonle suggests this may be where these supplies are being delivered to. 39bn have been tasked with searching the area.

Likely tasks – Perform a search of the area for enemy activity and stockpiles of supplies.


B coy, 1 pl

Situation – Drug and weapons traffickers have been spotted running long boats up and down the Steung Teuktnaot river. Redback is to locate the source and deny enemy logistics.

Likely tasks – 39 BN pers will conduct fast rope deployment, foot patrol & deny enemy logistics.


B coy, 1 pl

Situation – Cambodia has been struggling with a major increase in illicit activities within its borders, with a notable surge in operations focused on drug smuggling, arms deals, and piracy. In an effort to stop these transgressors, the Cambodian government has reached out to governments in the Asia-Pacific region requesting assistance. The Australian government has responded, sending the 39 BN in to assist with locating and halting the illegal operations taking place.

Likely tasks – 39 BN pers will conduct RSO&I in Altis, focusing on infantry tactics, target indication, movement within close-in environments, and mine/explosive detection and removal.

39th Battalion Year in Review 2019

39th Battalion Admin Team

We are proud to present the year in review showcase, the admin team would like to thank everyone in clan for their participation in the multiple campaigns, breaker missions and beer and bullets nights throughout 2019!

Going forward here’s to 2020 being of the same quality!