Situation – An electoral candidate has requested for sections from the 39th Battalion to act as a close protection escort during visits to local towns, in an effort to both encourage the local populace to participate in the upcoming elections as well as show the local populace that international agencies are supporting this democratic process.

Likely tasks – Provide close protection for the electoral candidate during his tour of nearby towns.

B coy, 1pl


Situation – With the Senior leadership removed from RACA Intel suggest that the RACA has splintered into different groups all trying to take over. Its unclear where these groups are, but it’s likely they will continue to harass friendly forces as we go about setting the scene for free and fair elections.

Likey Tasks – Conduct Recon/clearance patrols of likely splinter forces Hideouts whilst re-equipping the FOB with ammo and Fuel for the upcoming operations.

B coy, 1pl  


Situation – An informant has revealed the time and location of a meeting of the commanding officers of the RACA. If the RACA leadership can be neutralized, it will likely cease to exist as a unified, organized army – leaving the forces of the old government incapable of any cohesive action in retaking power.

Likely tasks – Attack the site of the meeting with the aim of capturing or neutralizing the RACA leadership.

B coy, 1pl


Situation – Anizay is no closer to having a new govt sworn in, polling centres are being established across the country for the population to elect a free democratic govt. However the dates has not been set for the national election.

Likely tasks – foot patrol of urban centres, IED clearance.

B coy, 1pl 


Situation – A local religious leader has been taken captive by unknown forces, and are currently located somewhere in or around the coastal town of La Rivière. Demands have been made by these forces for the release of various wartime criminals around the world. If demands are not met within the next 3 hours, the unknown forces will execute the VIP.

Likely tasks – Locate and rescue the VIP, and escort them to safety.


Situation – AS forces have begun Operations within Anizay, the AS Govt has mandated, that it will only be in Anizay until a free and fair election is conducted and a new Govt has been sworn in. Fighting is still continuing between forces loyal to the monarchy and the breakaway new forces. Intel suggest this fight is being won by the breakaway new Govt forces. AS forces continue to build up its presence in IVO FOB and continue to conduct its operations there.

Likely tasks – strengthen the FOB maintain security within the AO.

 B coy, 1pl 


Situation – After a coup d’etat, aiming to establish a democratic government in Anizay, a minor civil war broke out in the country. The main belligerents are the democratic forces of the new government – supported by the Anizay Airforce and Airborne Troops, and the monarchist forces of the old government – supported by the Royal Army Corp of Anizay, Anizay’s ground forces. Fighting is ongoing but the conflict is nearing a close in the new government’s favour. Australia has opted to send the 39th Bn in order to assist in ending the conflict, as well as assist in the establishment of a democratic government and in security during elections.

Likely tasks – Move from airbase to a FOB and receive briefing from local forces.

B coy, 1pl


Situation – 39 BN is preparing for deployment to the region of Anizay, to assist with stability within the region.

Likely tasks – 39 BN pers will conduct RSO&I in Altis and Conduct Intermediate Medical and RaTel training, Formations, IED Identification and Disarming, and Convoy Movement.

 B coy, 1pl


Situation – The CEO of Triton Dynamics and his security detail were travelling from the company villa located in Gorka. The VIP and security detail has come under attack, an emergency transponder has been triggered and Section 512 & Section 505 operating in the area has been assigned the task to rescue the VIPs and escort them to the USS Liberty in international waters east of Bay of Nihznay.

Likely Tasks – Locate, Secure, Escort VIPs and detail to Safety.

The Company


Situation – An opportunity has presented itself to capture or neutralise the North Korean leadership present on Lingor. 21 are creating a diversion by luring out the RRF, this will assist Redback one who are to capture or Kill NK leadership

Likely Tasks – Gain access to the leadership compound and preferably capture the Leadership but Dead is ok.

B coy, 1pl